Prospecting For Life

Let’s face it: if you are to have a successful career in real estate, you’ll always be prospecting. Sure, it gets easier as you build a reputation and gain more referrals, but you will never stop seeking out qualified prospects. The start of a new year is the perfect time to examine your habits and…

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E-Mail Marketing Best Practices

Hand choosing email icon graphic

E-mail marketing has become one of the most basic tools in any agent’s tool kit, and while it’s simple to do, it’s not always easy to do it well or even correctly. As with all business practices, there are steps you can take that ensure you don’t run afoul of marketing norms or worse yet,…

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Marketing During the Holiday Season

House lit up with christmas lights

The holidays are upon us and though visions of sugarplums may be dancing through heads, you’ve still got to tend to your business: after all, sellers still want to close their deals and buyers need to place for Santa to visit. But, staying relevant and keeping customers focused during one of the busiest and most…

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Getting The Most Out Of Networking Events

Two women shaking hands, big smile

The term ‘networking’ may conjure up queasy sensations of glad-handing used car salesmen, but it’s necessary for growing our pipeline and it doesn’t have to be unpleasant. In fact, networking events can – and should – be enjoyable, as they give you a chance to add to our pipeline and present your best self to…

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Working With High Net-Worth Clients

Beautiful house interior with beautiful view

Real estate agents work hard. Sometimes, we feel like we toil away, cranking out listing after listing, hammering on closings, all in an effort to reach our financial goals and answer the ‘why’ of our exertions. We’d all like to get maximum return for minimum work and a high net worth client base is one…

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Stay Focused in a Chaotic World

Business woman looking up at colorful balloons

Nothing is more important to a successful career than keeping our eye on the prize and retaining focus. But in 2018, there are countless ways by which we can be easily distracted: smartphone apps, 24/7 cable news stations, the finger-in-the-electric socket that is politics, the ability to watch TV on our computers at all hours…

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4 Reasons Why Failure Makes Us Better

Man with headache on couch

Admit it, seeing the word “failure” in the title of a blog post makes you uncomfortable. Let’s not focus on the negative you might be thinking. That makes sense. After all, many, if not most highly driven and successful professionals operate on the motto made famous in the film Apollo 13: “Failure is not an…

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Nailing The Close

Little boy with glasses holding a golden trophy

Whether you are a listing agent or buyer’s agent, selling luxury properties or rentals, the time inevitably comes that you must close a deal. There’s no time during the sales process more fraught with the possibility of flop sweat than the close. But, follow our advice and practice these techniques at each stage of the…

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Building Momentum

Man on the phone very happy to close a deal

Physics and real estate may at first glance appear to lack much in common, but Newton’s Third Law of Motion is something we can all relate to. Formally stated, Newton’s third law says, ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction,’ but in layman’s terms, that translates to ‘what goes up must come…

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The Essentials of Real Estate Success

Road to success graphic

In a boom market, real estate sales look like an easy way to generate income: basic licensing classes are packed with eager wannabe agents. How hard can it be to sell a house, right? Anyone who’s been in the industry a while knows that no matter the economy, our business isn’t for the lazy or…

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Traits of Great Sales Professionals

Portrait of an bearded young businessman in front of a concrete wall Businessman doing a karate kick

All too often, the words ‘sales’ or ‘salesman’ conjures up images of the stereotypical glad-handing, fast-talking used car salesman, ready to make a quick buck at the expense of the customer. Polls regularly show car and insurance salespeople rank the bottom of lists based on perceived trustworthiness, and some polls show most respondents distrust all…

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Mythbusters: CRM Systems

Man holding ipad with tech icons floating around

Boy, the things we hear. You wouldn’t believe it – or maybe you would. Customer Relation Management (CRM) systems may be THE most misunderstood tool in any real estate agent’s toolkit. From the mundane – they’re too expensive! – to the weird – conspiracy theory: you’re being spied on! – myths about these super-useful systems…

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Accountability Partners

Woman looking worried

Peer pressure is a powerful thing. Many of us are willing to hit the snooze alarm and skip our morning exercise ritual – unless we have a friend expecting us to meet him or her. Knowing they await, we heave ourselves up and it’s off to the gym we go. Being connected to someone who…

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How Drones Are Changing Real Estate

Drone helicopter over field

In one of the many ways evolving technology is affecting the real estate industry, the usage of unmanned aircraft systems, or ‘drones,’ is providing brokers and agents with sophisticated tools for marketing properties. The detailed aerial views drones provide are an affordable way to showcase homes, a plus in that MLS statistics show homes with…

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Is Your Digital Footprint Making the Grade?

digital footprint concept graphic

We won’t belabor the point that a strong online presence is critical to real estate success. If you don’t know that by now, well, it’s likely you may not have a long and fruitful career in real estate. Today, home sellers and buyers have so many ways to get to know you before ever speaking…

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Should You Become A Broker?

Business people shaking hands

So you’ve had your real estate license for a few years. You’ve been successful listing properties and closing transactions and the next logical step seems to become a broker. Or is it? While getting a broker’s license comes with obvious rewards – chiefly, a higher paycheck – it’s not for everyone. Let’s take a look…

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