January 1: Best Expired Listing Day of the Year!


Last year, we posted a blog called ACTIVELY PURSUE BUSINESS, OR PASSIVELY WAIT, This blog spoke to the importance of active, consistent prospecting as the best avenue for success in real estate. As we stated in that post, real estate is a “contact sport,” and those who are able to make the most contacts will…

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Master and Win With FSBO Scripts

For sale by owner sign in front of house

Whether you’re a real estate veteran or relatively new to the industry, you probably know that FSBO Leads continue to be an excellent source of revenue. When considering FSBOs, remember: About 90% of FSBOs decide to go it alone because they want to pocket the money they would otherwise hand out as commission Of course,…

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Do Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts Work?

real estate lead generation scripts

Generally speaking, salespeople, regardless of the industry, do not like to make cold calls. Cold calls can be intimidating, and it’s not just about someone’s fear of rejection. The number one reason sellers fear cold calling is they don’t like to talk to strangers. Makes sense, right? Since we were little tykes, our parents always…

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How to Motivate Seller to Find Leads

Prospect computer key enter button

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”  12th century proverb No matter how good you are at working REAL ESTATE SELLER LEADS, if you are dealing with a homeowner who is not a MOTIVATED SELLER, you’ll be wasting a lot of time and energy. Of course, as we’ll touch…

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5 Steps to Better Customer Service in Real Estate

Smiling customer service agent

Customer service is a common theme in this blog, and for good reason. Great customer service, regardless of the industry, is what sets the best apart from everyone else. Clients and customers remember great service, and are more than likely to share their positive experience with others. Or, put another way, great customer service is…

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Leverage Your Real Estate Sphere of Influence

Sphere water clouds

Most successful, prospecting-driven agents know the importance of building and maintaining their real estate sphere of influence (SOI). While your SOI may not represent the same level of immediacy or urgency as expired listings or even FSBOs, it does represent a solid foundation for future revenue opportunities. In the broadest sense, your SOI is comprised…

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Drive Gross Income with Pre-Foreclosure Leads

Foreclosure house for sale image

In today’s post, we’ll review the revenue potential of prospecting pre-foreclosure leads. FORECLOSURE TRENDS To provide context for pre-foreclosure opportunities, we thought it would help to look at recent trends with regard to foreclosures in the U.S. housing market. According to ATTOM Data Solutions: There were a total of 164,581 U.S. properties with foreclosure filings…

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Rent To Owner Listings: An Untapped Revenue Stream

house for rent red sign

We’ve become accustomed to discussing the potential of tapping into FSBOs-those homeowners who are trying to sell their property without the support of a real estate agent.  FSBOs have long-been a lucrative revenue source for savvy agents who know how to leverage their expertise to bring value to these homeowners. Another interesting, and often-overlooked source…

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Ten Steps to Real Estate Success

house figurine on desk buy lap top

If this headline grabbed your attention, you are likely in one of the following groups: You’re thinking of entering real estate as a new career. You are fairly new to real estate. You’re a real estate veteran but falling short of your expectations. Regardless of where you land, consider today, and this blog post, as…

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Lead Generation: Your Key to Prospering in a Shift Economy

Male customer service with headset looking in notebook

You have to admit: it’s been quite a run! Real estate has gone through a period of nearly unimaginable growth over the past few years. When the pandemic hit in March 2020, the average price of a U.S. home was $375,000. Fueled by historic low interest rates and tightening inventory, the average price grew to…

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Use Real Estate Buyer Scripts to Drive More Revenue

Female customer service in headset

One of the things we reinforce as often as possible at Vulcan7 is the importance of working with scripts. Without question, top-performing real estate agents have learned how to master the use of real estate scripts to control the flow and direction of every prospecting call. In this post, we take a deep dive into…

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Real Estate Lead Generation is About FOCUS

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Humans (especially real estate agents) have never been busier. In a typical day, you might be dealing with: closing details, new listing presentations, managing fragile egos and constant interruptions from texts, emails, and calls. It’s easy to get distracted when you’re pulled in so many directions. You may not be clear about your priorities or…

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Vulcan7’s 11th Year….and Still Going Strong!

11 years helping agents

Today, April 11 imarks the 11th anniversary of Vulcan7. In recognition, here are 11 ways in which Vulcan7 has helped real estate agents throughout the country transform their businesses… and their lives. 1. The #1 Best CRM For Seller Business: Built by agents for agents, the “Best in Class” Vulcan7 CRM provides a user-friendly platform that…

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How to Master Circle Prospecting

Aerial view of suburban houses

Most top-performing real estate agents include CIRCLE PROSPECTING as part of their on-going production strategy. Circle prospecting involves calling homeowners within a radius around homes you’ve JUST LISTED or JUST SOLD. It can also be a strategy to establish yourself as a neighborhood expert. Circle prospecting tends to be a long-term, database-building strategy. In fact,…

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What To Include In an Expired Listing Packet

Clear image of house field cloudy sky

The most successful real estate agents understand the value of daily prospecting. And, as we’ve said countless times in this blog, most prospecting agents focus on expired listings as a huge source of potential revenue. But top agents also know that expireds represent a unique challenge. Having failed to sell, homeowners are likely frustrated. They…

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Delegate Effectively and Sell More

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If you follow this blog you know that we are dogged in our belief that the pathway to earning great money in real estate is by being a listing agent. If you agree with our philosophy and have added Vulcan7 to your prospecting and business development arsenal, there’s a good chance that realizing the kind…

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8 Tips for Success with For Sale by Owners

FSBO house image graphic

Whether you’re a real estate veteran or relatively new to the industry, you probably know that For Sale by Owner (FSBO) listings continue to be an excellent source of revenue. But either way, it’s important to recognize that FSBO prospects require a bit more TLC than the average homeowner.  With that in mind, here are…

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Preview Strategies: Part I

Dog welcome mat

We spend a lot of time and energy in this blog reviewing best practices and strategies for maximizing your prospecting results, whether it’s with expireds, FSBOs, sphere, FRBOs or a combination of all four. As we often say, your primary goal in phone prospecting is to: GET IN THE DOOR. That’s because the magic of…

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